Thursday, 12 September 2013

The Sunbird Book Clubs: Statement of Objective

This week we make history with the first of the Sunbird Book Clubs, the Arepo Book Club being inaugurated on Saturday at Utol Schools, 7 Jemima Laalu Street, off Journalists Estate Road, Arepo, Ogun State,  from 3-5pm.

The reading clubs are being put together because we definitely need them. The reality of life in the contemporary world today is that nations and peoples that aspire to success and greatness must continue to invest in life-long learning systems. Gone are the days when we went to 'and finished school!' That will not work anymore.

On the issue of targets, we are looking at setting up 10000 such clubs within a decade. With fifty members per club, this would come to an active reading population of 500,000 members.

Of strategic import is our decision to let the clubs be established and function and thrive at the neighbourhood level. Each club unit will after the initial tutelage period, be deregulated to continue to take decisions on its specific programmes, finances and events/projects as long as these do not conflict with the larger goal of reading culture promotions among our people.
As for membership, it is open to readers that can read and are willing to continue to read and collaborate with other readers in a peer-support social environment designed to sustain and grow their reading passion and help other members of the society equally become readers and better readers.